We don't have any handles to sell. You can buy rubber stamp handles from other suppliers, buy old stamps and re-use the handles, make your own handles, or simply use wooden blocks. If you need stamps with handles we are happy to offer those individually.
Stamp Sheet #1 includes the following stamps:
Round eagle stamps:
-Dienststelle der Feldpostnummer 37177
-Wehrmachteinheit Feldpostnummer 26277
-Dienststelle Feldpost-Nummer 02038
-Dienststelle Feldpostnummer 23436
-Einheit Feldpostnummer 11515
Miscellaneous Soldbuch stamps:
-Gas sheet, bandage, decontamination kit issue
-"Familienunterhalt" pay stamp for soldiers with dependents
-"Genesungsurlaub," "Erholungsurlaub" and "Kurzurlaub" stamps for leave entries
-"Verstezung" stamp for recording kit issue to soldiers being transferred
-"Gasraumprobe stamp" indicating test of the gas mask
-"Eisernes Portion" (iron ration) issue
-3 different soap issue stamps
-"Helmband/Gamaschen" issue stamp
-Wehrmeldeamt abbreviation for top of page 2
-K.St.Nr. for verifying the roster number during security checks
-1,0 immunization stamp
-"Diptherie/Scharlach" immunization stamp
-2 different blood type stamps for page 1: "Blutgruppe B' and "Bl. Gr. A"
-Westwall medal award stamp
Medical stamps:
-Oberstabsarzt und Chefarzt rank stamp
-Truppenarzt rank stamp
-Unterarzt rank stamp
-SS-Lazarett Berlin hospital stamp
-Res. Kr. Laz. II Krakau hospital stamp
-Verlegt in die Heimat for soldiers returning to Germany due to wounds/illness
-Ortslazarett Dienststelle 31150 hospital stamp
Rank stamps:
-Leutnant u. stellv. Kp.-Fhr.
-Der Komp.-Chef O.-Leutnant
-Oberlt. u. Komp.-Fuehrer
-Oberltn. u. Komp.-Fuehrer
-Hptm. u. Komp. Fuehrer
-Hauptmann u. Komp. Chef
-Bekleidungs Uffz.
-2 different Zahlmeister stamps
-Date stamp 28. Juli 1944
-Date stamp 24. MRZ 1944
-Feldpost cancellation stamp for military mail, 13.10.44
Stamp Sheet #2 includes the following stamps:
Miscellaneous Soldbuch Stamps:
-Wehrsold- for pay entries
-Freifahrt- for leave entries
-Verbandspaeckchen- Bandage issue stamp
-Diptherie/Scharlach 1,0- For diptheria and scarlet fever immunization entry
-"ist/bedgt./nicht tropendienstfaehig"- for tropical service inspection
-Heimaturlaub- for leave entries
-Stamp indicating instruction on maintenance of weapons and equipment
-Stamp indicating issue of 5 RM "Putzzeuggeld" for purchasing uniform and kit maintenance items
-Stamp indicating issue of "Raucherkarte," tobacco ration card
-Stamp indicating uniform and equipment have been inspected for completeness and serviceability
-Wehrsold stamp for pay in Reichsmark or Lire
-Stamp for issue of pay, soap, ration cards, rations
-Stamp for security checks
-Fronturlauberpaket/Fuehrergeschenk issue stamp
-"Verpflegt bis einschl.:" stamp for rations issue
-Grid stamp for security checks and I, II, III, IV stamps for checks
Rank stamps:
-SS-____sturmführer und Batterieführer
-Oberleutnant u. Adj.
-Hauptm. u. Dienstst. Leiter
-Major u. Kp.-Chef
-Kammeruntoffz. (for uniform and equipment issues)
Hospital and medical stamps:
-Kriegslazarett 1/521 round eagle stamp
-Kriegslazarett 1/521 line unit stamp
-Reserve-Lazarett II Schleswig line stamp
-Hauptuntersuchungsstelle der Fallschirm-Armee
-Kr.Tr.Abt. 561 line unit stamp (Kranken-Transport-Abteilung, for transport of sick/wounded)
"Generic" unit line stamps:
-F.P. Nr. 17159
-Truppendienststelle F. P. 45500
Ersatzheer/replacement/training units:
-4./Landesschützen Batl. 507 round eagle stamp
-4./Landesschützen Batl. 507 line unit stamp
-Inf. Ers. Rgt. 5 round eagle stamp
-Inf, Nachr. Ers. Kp. 5 line unit stamp
-Gren. Ers. u. Ausb. Btl. 155 line unit stamp
Date stamps:
-7. Aug. 1942
-4. Okt. 1942
Stamp Sheet #3 includes the following stamps:
Feldpost Number Unit Stamps:
-Feldpostnummer 26750 round and line stamps
-Feldpostnummer 40079 round and line stamps
-Feldpostnummer 66500 round and line stamps
Stamps for Army "Ersatz" Replacement Units:
-Marschkompanie, Gren. Ers. Btl. 372
-Inf. Ers. Batl. 372 round stamp
Rank stamps for page 1:
Officer Rank Stamps:
-Oblt. u. Adj.
-Hauptmann u. Dienststellenleiter
-Hauptmann u. Battr.-Chef
-Hauptmann u. Adjutant
-Oblt. u. Battr. Chef
-SS-Untersturmführer und Führer der Stabskompanie
-Leutn. u. Komp.-Führer
-Oberleutnant u. stellv. Dienststellenleiter
-SS-Sturmbannführer und Kommandeur
Other Rank Stamps:
Medical stamps:
-2 different X-ray stamps
-2 different immunization stamps
-Stabs- u. Truppenarzt
-Reserve-Lazarett 101 Berlin
-San. Komp. 1/572
-Sanitätskompanie 1/252
Stamps for issued items:
-Wool blanket issue
-Cold weather items issue
-Iron Ration issue
-2 different soap issue stamps
Miscellaneous Soldbuch Stamps:
-Kr. St. R. Nr......
-"16" pay group stamp
-Ausbildungslaufzettel ausgehändigt
-"Sonderurlaub" leave stamp
-"Wehrsold" and "Frontzulage" pay stamp
-Unterschrift d. Inh.
All photos and content Copyright 2010-2021 Christopher W Pittman and Nadine Wichmann