Last updated on June 11, 2021
I updated the web site today. I changed all of the photos of the stamp sheets to show the new gray rubber material I will be using. I also added two new sheets that have not been posted here before.
The first new sheet that I added is a third sheet of stamps for the Soldbuch. I’m calling it “Soldbuch C.” It’s got 48 great stamps. As with the other sets, these are all exact copies of original Soldbuch stamps, with many also applicable to many other documents. More than 15 of these stamps would be appropriate for virtually any Soldbuch regardless of branch. There are lots of rank stamps, medical and immunization stamps, stamps for leave entries and equipment issue, and more.

The price for this sheet is $49, still the same price I have been selling the sheets at since 2011. For more information on this sheet, click here.
The second new sheet listed here for the first time today is a sheet of stamps for the WWI Soldbuch. All of these stamps were copied from original documents in my collection.

I made a new page on the site for this WWI sheet.
I assigned new numbers to each of the sheets. Previously, they were numbered 1-5 in order of when I finished them. With the introduction of the 2 new sheets, it was time to reorganize them. The new system is as follows:
-Sheet #1: Soldbuch A
-Sheet #2: Soldbuch B
-Sheet #3: Soldbuch C
-Sheet #4: Waffen-SS
-Sheet #5: Wehrpass and civilian documents
-Sheet #6: Feldpost
-Sheet #7: WWI Soldbuch
I also had to break up the stamps sheet page as having all 7 sheets on the same page was too much scrolling. As of now there are 3 different pages for the stamps sheets:
–Soldbuch stamp sets
–Stamp sets for various WWII documents
–WWI Soldbuch stamp set
Stamp Sheet #8 is coming soon. This one will be a little different. It will be a sheet of stamps for WWII German uniforms and equipment, all copied exactly from originals, as always.