Stamp Sheet for WWII Date Stamps for Reproduction Paperwork.
The price for this sheet is $27 plus shipping. To order, please e-mail me at
This is a 4″ x 5.5″ sheet that you can cut up as needed to create realistic copies of wartime German date stamps.
Not one character on this sheet was made with any digital font. All of the days, months and years here were exactly copied from original mechanical daters. Dates made with these stamps will be indistinguishable from originals.
The upper two-thirds of this sheet contains all the numbers from a dater that used a mixed upper and lower case abbreviation for the months. You get all the numbers 1 through 31, two each of the months, and two each of years 1936-1946. Most of the lower part of this sheet was copied from a dater with smaller characters that used all capitals for the month abbreviation. It includes a selection of numbers that you can cut up to make any dates desired, all of the months, and two each of the years 1941-45 (with two extra 1944 dates as well). Lastly there are numbers from a dater that used numbers only, with days and months you can cut up to make whatever date, and two each of the years 39-45.
The sheet comes with a piece of double sided adhesive you can use to mount the numbers on wood handles or blocks. You can also get reusable cling mounts if you don’t want to make permanent stamps. If you mount these on wood blocks you can make over 40 date stamps in three different formats!
Many people have asked for this, I could have just created something with computer fonts but nothing compares to exact copies of original stamps.

TO ORDER: E-mail me at The price for this sheet is $27 plus shipping. We also offer 8 different WWI and WWII stamp sets.