WWII German Stamp Sheets for the Soldbuch
Since 2011, we have offered sets of rubber stamps for working on the Soldbuch, as well as other Nazi-era German military and civilian documents, for props and displays. Making these documents look realistic requires a lot of different stamps, which would be expensive to buy individually. We can supply the needed stamps in the form of sheets of unmounted stamps, each one painstakingly copied from original documents in my collection. There are no fantasy stamps here, these are all direct reproductions of original stamps from 1939-1945. We take great pride in making exact, perfect copies of original stamps, in the correct original size. There are Soldbuch stamps here that can be used for every branch of the Wehrmacht, as well as for the Waffen-SS. With these stamps you can create a very realistic-looking Soldbuch that looks like it has been carried for years and stamped many times. Each sheet measures 5.5 inches by 8 inches and is made from top quality, European made, real rubber material, laser etched with precise detail here in the USA. Every stamp set comes with a sheet of double-sided adhesive foam cushion material for you to mount these stamps to your handles, a guide for cutting up the sheet, and a guide with information identifying each stamp and how it was used.
We don’t have any handles to sell. You can buy rubber stamp handles from other suppliers, buy old stamps and re-use the handles, make your own handles, or simply use wooden blocks. More information on stamp handles can be found here. If you need stamps with handles, we are happy to offer those individually.
The price for each sheet is $49 plus shipping. These sheets are usually in stock and ready to ship. To order, please e-mail us at intrenches1945@gmail.com.
Shipping rates: The cost to ship one sheet is $5 in the USA, $11 to Canada, $20 to Europe. The cost to ship multiple sheets is $6 in the USA, $18 to Canada, $28 to Europe. Orders will ship in padded envelopes.
Stamp Sheet #1: Soldbuch A

This set contains 49 stamps and focuses on stamps for the Soldbuch although there are stamps here that can be used on a wide variety of paperwork including award documents, various military IDs, the Wehrpass, Feldpost letters, etc.

Stamp Sheet #1 includes the following stamps:
Round Feldpost number stamps with eagle, for military field units:
-Dienststelle der Feldpostnummer 37177
-Wehrmachteinheit Feldpostnummer 26277
-Dienststelle Feldpost-Nummer 02038
-Dienststelle Feldpostnummer 23436
-Einheit Feldpostnummer 11515
Miscellaneous Soldbuch stamps:
-Gas sheet, bandage, decontamination kit issue
-“Familienunterhalt” pay stamp for soldiers with dependents
-“Genesungsurlaub,” “Erholungsurlaub” and “Kurzurlaub” stamps for leave entries
-“Verstezung” stamp for recording kit issue to soldiers being transferred
-“Gasraumprobe” stamp indicating test of the gas mask
-“Eisernes Portion” (iron ration) issue
-3 different soap issue stamps
-“Helmband/Gamaschen” issue stamp
-Wehrmeldeamt abbreviation for top of page 2
-“K.St.Nr.” for verifying the roster number during security checks
-“1,0” immunization stamp
-“Diptherie/Scharlach” immunization stamp
-2 different blood type stamps for page 1: “Blutgruppe B’ and “Bl. Gr. A”
-Westwall medal award stamp
Medical stamps:
-“Oberstabsarzt und Chefarzt” rank stamp
-“Truppenarzt” rank stamp
-“Unterarzt” rank stamp
-“SS-Lazarett” Berlin hospital stamp
-“Res. Kr. Laz. II Krakau” hospital stamp
-“Verlegt in die Heimat” for soldiers returning to Germany due to wounds/illness
-Ortslazarett Dienststelle 31150 hospital stamp
Rank stamps:
-Leutnant u. stellv. Kp.-Fhr.
-Der Komp.-Chef O.-Leutnant
-Oberlt. u. Komp.-Führer
-Oberltn. u. Komp.-Führer
-Hptm. u. Komp. Führer
-Hauptmann u. Komp. Chef
-Bekleidungs Uffz.
-2 different “Zahlmeister” stamps
-Date stamp “28. Juli 1944”
-Date stamp “24. MRZ 1944”
-Feldpost cancellation stamp for military mail, 13.10.44
Stamp Sheet #2: Soldbuch B

Set #2 contains 41 stamps for the Soldbuch. These are all different from the stamps in Stamp Sheet #1 above. These are all exact copies of stamps from original Soldbücher, many of them can also be used on a wide variety of military documents including the Wehrpass and all kinds of IDs, award documents, leave passes, etc. There are at least 15 great stamps that can easily be added to virtually any Soldbuch regardless of branch, to create a more authentic look. There are also medical stamps and stamps for a number of Heer replacement and training units where soldiers of all branches could have served initially (before transferring), many Heer soldiers spent time in these types of units throughout their careers when they were convalescing or were between field units. There are also a couple “generic” unit stamps where the unit identity is concealed with a Feldpost number, these could represent almost any kind of unit in any branch.

Stamp Sheet #2 includes the following stamps:
Miscellaneous Soldbuch Stamps:
-“Wehrsold” for pay entries
-“Freifahrt” for leave entries
-“Verbandspäckchen” bandage issue stamp
-“Diptherie/Scharlach 1,0” For diptheria and scarlet fever immunization entry
-“ist/bedgt./nicht tropendienstfaehig” for tropical service physical
-“Heimaturlaub” for leave entries
-Stamp indicating instruction on maintenance of weapons and equipment
-Stamp indicating issue of 5 RM “Putzzeuggeld” for purchasing uniform and kit maintenance items
-Stamp indicating issue of “Raucherkarte,” tobacco ration card
-Stamp indicating uniform and equipment have been inspected for completeness and serviceability
-“Wehrsold” stamp for pay in Reichsmark or Lire
-Stamp for issue of pay, soap, ration cards, rations
-Stamp for security checks
-Fronturlauberpaket/Führergeschenk issue stamp
-“Verpflegt bis einschl.:” stamp for rations issue
-Grid stamp for security checks and I, II, III, IV stamps for quarterly checks
Rank stamps:
-SS-____sturmführer und Batterieführer
-Oberleutnant u. Adj.
-Hauptm. u. Dienstst. Leiter
-Major u. Kp.-Chef
-Kammeruntoffz. (for uniform and equipment issues)
Hospital and medical stamps:
-“Kriegslazarett 1/521” round eagle stamp
-“Kriegslazarett 1/521” line unit stamp
-“Reserve-Lazarett II Schleswig” line stamp
-Hauptuntersuchungsstelle der Fallschirm-Armee
-Kr.Tr.Abt. 561 line unit stamp (Kranken-Transport-Abteilung, for transport of sick/wounded)
“Generic” unit line stamps:
-F.P. Nr. 17159
-Truppendienststelle F. P. 45500
Ersatzheer/replacement/training units:
-“4./Landesschützen Batl. 507” round eagle stamp
-“4./Landesschützen Batl. 507” line unit stamp
-“Inf. Ers. Rgt. 5” round eagle stamp
-“Inf. Nachr. Ers. Kp. 5” line unit stamp
-“Gren. Ers. u. Ausb. Btl. 155” line unit stamp
Date stamps:
-7. Aug. 1942
-4. Okt. 1942
Stamp Sheet #3: Soldbuch C

Set #3 contains 48 stamps for the Soldbuch. None of these stamps are on any of the other sheets. As with the other sets, these are all exact copies of original Soldbuch stamps, with many also applicable to many other documents. More than 15 of these stamps would be appropriate for virtually any Soldbuch regardless of branch. There are lots of rank stamps, medical and immunization stamps, stamps for leave entries and equipment issue, and more.

Stamp Sheet #3 includes the following stamps:
Round Feldpost number stamps with eagle, for military field units:
-Feldpostnummer 26750 round and line stamps
-Feldpostnummer 40079 round and line stamps
-Feldpostnummer 66500 round and line stamps
Stamps for Army “Ersatz” Replacement Units:
-Marschkompanie, Gren. Ers. Btl. 372
-Inf. Ers. Batl. 372 round stamp
Rank stamps for page 1:
Officer Rank Stamps:
-Oblt. u. Adj.
-Hauptmann u. Dienststellenleiter
-Hauptmann u. Battr.-Chef
-Hauptmann u. Adjutant
-Oblt. u. Battr. Chef
-SS-Untersturmführer und Führer der Stabskompanie
-Leutn. u. Komp.-Führer
-Oberleutnant u. stellv. Dienststellenleiter
-SS-Sturmbannführer und Kommandeur
Other Rank Stamps:
Medical stamps:
-2 different X-ray stamps
-2 different immunization stamps
-Stabs- u. Truppenarzt
-Reserve-Lazarett 101 Berlin
-San. Komp. 1/572
-Sanitätskompanie 1/252
Stamps for issued items:
-Wool blanket issue
-Cold weather items issue
-Iron Ration issue
-2 different soap issue stamps
Miscellaneous Soldbuch Stamps:
-“Kr. St. R. Nr……” for security checks
-“16” pay group stamp
-Ausbildungslaufzettel ausgehändigt
-“Sonderurlaub” leave stamp
-“Wehrsold” and “Frontzulage” pay stamps
-“Unterschrift d. Inh.” for inside front cover
TO ORDER: E-mail us at intrenches1945@gmail.com. The price for each sheet including the instructions and mounting cushion is $49 plus shipping (shipping rates are at the top of this page). Please specify which sheet or sheets you would like; we offer 8 different sets.