I have an assortment of stamps for German Zeltbahn shelter quarters. The price for each of these is $20 each for just the rubber part, or $25 for a stamp on a simple wood block. I can send a single rubber part as a regular letter with a stamp for $1 in the USA, $2 worldwide. The “Warei” stamps are a two-piece set and the price is $40 for the set of rubber or $50 on wood blocks.
Virtually every Zeltbahn that made it out of a factory and was issued had a maker stamp. Many makers of reproductions omit this detail. These stamps can add extra detail and realism to a reproduction. They can be used on solid color French or Swedish Zeltbahn quarters, as part of making them more like German ones. These can also be used on tarps and tents of all kinds, or on large equipment items like the Rucksack, etc.
These are made of real rubber and can be used with permanent ink or paint, and cleaned with alcohol or mineral spirits.
To order these please send me an e-mail.